- Northampton Press
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- Grace: The Truth, Growth, and Different Degree
Grace: The Truth, Growth, and Different Degree
Author: Christopher Love
“Christopher Love was a brilliant young Welsh preacher and rising star in the world of Puritan ministry,” wrote the late J.I. Packer. Love was highly regarded by his peers. He was a staunch Presbyterian and a Covenanter. The American preacher, Jonathan Edwards, read Love and had his books in his personal library.
Here are Love’s 15 sermons on grace, taken from 1 Kings 14:13: “Because in him there is found some good thing toward the Lord God of Israel.” The Puritans saw a God who looked for “some good thing” in His people. The “hall of fame” in Hebrews 11 is full of people who, for all we know, only did one good thing, and yet they are held up as models of faith. That indeed is grace, and that indeed is amazing!
Christopher Love is one of my favorite Puritans. And this book on “Grace” is, in my opinion, one of the 3 best books I’ve ever published in over 30 years of reprinting the Puritans. If there’s a single theme to this book it is this: Christ is a better Savior than I am a sinner. —Dr. Don Kistler, Editor