What Some Prominent Christian Leaders Say About The Northampton Press
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The Northampton Press has again and again found neglected treasures from our past and brought them to our attention. The font is readable, the bindings are good, and the selection of titles is nourishing. We are in the publisher’s debt.
Mark Dever
Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church / Washington, DC
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Don Kistler’s labors helped fill my library with Puritans as a young man. He’s still bringing treasures from the attic to the family reunion! His discerning eye for the best examples of godly teaching serves him and us extraordinarily well. I’m deeply grateful to Don Kistler and The Northampton Press.
Dr. Michael Horton
J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics, Westminster Theological Seminary / Co-host of the White Horse Inn
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When my soul needs refreshing, when I long to be far from the myriad of voices around me, I retreat to my friends in the 17th century—the Puritans. Unaffected by the contemporary mirage of dialogue and polemics they provide rich insight into divine truth for the mind and the heart. I am in debt to Don Kistler for providing a steady stream of their spiritual treasury in their books published by The Northampton Press. Highly recommended.
John MacArthur
Pastor, Grace Community Church Sun Valley, California / Chancellor, The Master’s University and Seminary
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When I see a Northampton Press book, I know it’s going to be a burning blend of both spirit and truth, heart and head, piety and theology, heat and light.
Dr. Donald S. Whitney
John. H. Powell Professor of Pastoral Ministry, Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Kansas City, Missouri
/ Author of “Spiritual Disciplines of the Christian Life”Company
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I continue to benefit from Don Kistler’s editorial labors with The Northampton Press. Just last night I was reading a collection of essays that he produced on the pastoral ministry. He has a nose for material that needs to be more widely available and a light editorial touch that keeps the material faithful to the original, but easier to read for moderns. I warmly commend to you all the volumes produced by The Northampton Press.
Dr. Ligon Duncan
Chancellor and CEO, Reformed Theological Seminary
/ John E. Richards Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology
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I am grateful for the publishing arm of Northampton Press, which performs a great service in making available Christian works by notable pastors and theologians from past centuries. Their sermons and writings transcend the generations and speak directly to believers in these present times. It is refreshing to see many of these works now accessible to a modern-day audience.
Dr. Steven J. Lawson
President / OnePassion Ministries
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Don Kistler, my good friend for several decades through a mutual love for great Puritan books, has done and is doing great service for the church of Christ today through The Northampton Press by continuing to expand the number of excellent and edifying Puritan treatises through lightly editing and then beautifully printing them. I personally have been greatly helped in my spiritual fellowship with Christ and His people and my personal pilgrimage through the Vanity Fair of this world by the invaluable work of Don Kistler and his Northampton Press. I highly recommend The Northampton Press!
Dr. Joel R. Beeke
Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary / Grand Rapids, Michigan
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I have a bookcase filled floor to ceiling with Puritan works that have been reprinted over the past sixty years. More than half of them are works I would never have known about and could not have had access to if it were not for the relentless work Don Kistler has done to keep some of the greatest theological volumes ever written in print and easily available. I am profoundly thankful for The Northampton Press. Every volume they have published feeds my soul.
Phil Johnson
Executive Director / Grace to You
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