- Northampton Press
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- Wrath Against the Day of Wrath
Wrath Against the Day of Wrath
The Northampton Press is pleased to announce its newest title release...
Edited by Dr. Don Kistler
Jonathan Edwards is known as a ‘‘hellfire and brimstone’’ preacher. Actually, his favorite theme was the beauty and excellency of Jesus Christ. In fact, only about 41 of his 1100 sermons were about hell and judgment. Here are 16 of those sermons, most have never been published before. This material was made available in 2018 as an ebook. It is finally available in a printed edition.
Every revival of note has had two common themes preached from the pulpit—justification by faith alone and God’s pending punishment for the impenitent. If we are to see revival in our day, those themes need to be brought to the forefront once again. May it please the Lord to use these rare sermons by this great Puritan preacher to spark the flames of revival among us.
This book should be available as of June 2022.
The retail price for this 248 page hardback book is $27.00.
Your price is $20.00 plus $8 shipping/handling.
ISBN No. 978-1-7365880-4-8