- Northampton Press
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The Covenant of Redemption, Samuel Willard
Many are familiar with the two covenants God made with mankind, The Covenant of Works and The Covenant of Grace. But not many are familiar with the covenant God made with Himself and with Christ, which theologians call The Covenant of Redemption. In this very rare work, the New England Puritan, Samuel Willard, opens this doctrine in its fullness and shows us the eternal plan God devised to honor His Son before the entire universe, and the obedience of Christ in agreeing to all the terms of the covenant. This Covenant of Redemption is the basis and foundation for all that God intended to do for lost sinners.
The Covenant of Works, John Colquhoun
This is the companion volume to Colquhoun’s great work The Covenant of Grace, published in 2020 by The Northampton Press. In this title the author deals with covenants, imputation, and other subjects necessary to a full understanding of salvation. John Colquhoun was one of Scotland’s greatest preachers and theologians. He is painstaking and thorough in his treatment of this important subject for, as Luther once remarked, “we ought never to preach grace without the law or the law without grace.” We will never understand our great salvation until we realize what we have been saved from.
The Covenant of Grace, John Colquhoun
This republication of Colquhoun’s work should be welcomed as a wonderful instrument to recalibrate our theological and spiritual engines. It is well worthy of a place among the books that we “read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest” because it is so Scripture-concentrated, pastorally sensitive, and full of spiritual wisdom. Each of his publications marks him out as a man and minister of unusual gifts. —From the foreword by Sinclair Ferguson